Video production companies know that advertising videos are an effective way to get attention and convert that attention into paying customers.  And are proven to convert, according to Social Video Trends: Consumer Insights for 2020 done by Animoto.   One of the stats noted by the study was that video advertisements were the #1 way consumers discovered a brand they later purchased from.  That means that businesses are finding new customers AND making sales by using videos for advertising.  But, to generate this awareness and sales through advertising videos, you can’t risk having anything but top-notch quality production by hiring a video production agency.

advertising videos

One of the age-old debates for a company

Thinking about making an advertising video is whether to hire a video production agency or a videographer.

When you collaborate with a video production agency, you get a team of production staff – from directors, videographers, and editors, among other people. A video production agency has people specialized to handle every aspect of the entire process: from pre-production planning to post-production editing. There are people at a video production agency who will ideate your advertising videos, take care of content creation, plan the setup, and do the skilled editing.

While there may be a time when a solo videographer may have a broad range of skill sets to fill all those different roles, those times are probably few and far between when it comes to advertising video. There are use cases, like talking head videos for thought leadership when a solo videographer can be appropriate. But most videos for advertising are more complex than a talking head video.

So, to help you make the best decision for your business, let’s take you through the process that a corporate video production agency would go through to make a ad advertising video.  The production process for making a video advertisement begins much before the actual recording session. To deliver a business message to hit your business objective you need creative minds, that are native to a video production agency, to develop the concept of your video advertisement.advertising videos

From logistical lighting to background and audio, everything needs to be set up before shooting your advertising videos. This pre-production phase also involves the creation of a detailed project plan for each aspect of the process.

For example, at our video production agency, we have a detailed discussion with the client regarding the audience and the business objectives. Then, the team works out a creative approach that will work for the particular need. After that, storyboarding and planning the production begins. A director and producer oversee the process, so the production goes on from stage to stage smoothly and according to the business objectives.

A videographer, on the other hand, will be able to focus only on one aspect of this video production at a time.  And on the day of the shoot, they might have to play many roles and risk something going wrong.
In a video production agency, the creative director will work with the production director who will instruct the crew: camera operators, gaffers, sound artists, and others to get the best shot possible. Professional voice-over artists are also available if needed. Whether the ad needs a 5-person crew or a 10-person crew, a video production agency will handle everything for you.
Read this detailed blog about what actually goes into making a video production project to find more.


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The Post-Production

After the shooting, the video has to go through edits for a professional touch.

Under the guidance of the director and creative team, video editors ensure the video conveys the right message. Graphics, animations and custom music are added to create more impact. The raw video undergoes several rounds of revisions, and color grading via a color specialist before the final video is ready.
A lone videographer might handle much of the process. But he/she won’t have the hours of expertise in each area of the process. A video production agency, instead, works in sync to ensure the video advertisement gets done without any compromise.
Now, here are the four points to consider when deciding whether to hire a videographer or a corporate video production agency.

Factors to consider

1. Why would you want to create an advertising video?

Videos can be created to build awareness for a number of business use cases – product launches, new releases, reports and thought leadership are among the many reasons that people do video advertisements. And each needs different recording and editing styles.  Agencies have a team of videographers, editors and specialist assistants to expedite the process. They can also create a marketing strategy to process the raw videos and distribute them on different platforms.
So, hire an experienced agency or a competent team of videographers to get your message across. Look for someone who understands the business concepts to convert your idea into reality.

2.  Why a video production agency is good for different kinds of video advertisements?

Having a video production agency will save considerable time for long-term video needs.
Because regular videos need adequate planning and understanding of the business, services, and processes.  Video production companies will have the resources to continually ideate and produce targeted videos, as the partnership grows.  A video production agency gives you access to a broad range of skill sets; not at all possible for one videographer.  The professionals at a video production agency will help you with a team of professionals like animators, voiceover artists, and other required details to enhance the video.

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And, you might just form a bond over time as advertising videos become an enjoyable experience. And a corporate video production agency can provide experienced videographers too, for one-off tasks.
But, if you hire new videographers every time, you’ll have to explain the details from scratch each time. Each videographer will need to understand your business and your target audience first. They will have to create the entire strategy every time. So, videographers alone will need considerable time to create one video. Also, not every videographer will be a fit for an advertising video job.

3. Are you willing to invest time during production?

Time is money. And if you want to invest your precious time in overseeing the video production, hire freelance videographers. When you pay videographers to create corporate videos, you need to handle the entire process: scheduling, coordinating, and directing yourself. The videographer or team of videographers will just do the recording and editing for you.

However, when you hire one of the many corporate video production companies, everything will be taken care of. Agencies have all the crew and equipment to produce top-quality videos. They will outline the concept, prepare the setup, and put professionals in place without you having to worry. The team works together to execute the production process with attention to detail.

With a video agency, you get quality video content to drive the awareness and sales you are aiming for in your day-to-day business. So, if time is a luxury for you, get in touch with a video production agency.
Check how MultiVision Digital created a New York City studio in an executive lunch room and won a Telly Award for it.

4. Do you want to get the most out of your video production investment?

Video production companies keep exploring creative ways to generate better results. They also test ways to ensure the content reaches where your target audience is. That’s another reason you would like an agency to provide video production services to your business.
But videographers might not be able to keep themselves updated. They probably won’t have experience creating varied video content for different industries.
So, to get the most out of your investment, hire a video production agency. The team will cater to all your video needs, and create a video marketing strategy to bring remarkable results.


Although videographers play a significant role in a corporate video production agency, they’re only one of the many professionals needed in the process. A corporate video production agency, on the other hand, can execute a sound video ideation, creation and marketing strategy. With a team of videographers and industry-experienced storytellers, they can handle many video needs.

Do you too want to scale your video creation game? Call us today.
At MultiVision Digital, we have produced over 900 videos for every business objective out there. So call us at (646) 319-8609 or fill out the contact form to discuss an optimal corporate video marketing strategy and grow your revenue.

We will be seeing you in front of the camera!

As we wrap up, remember this: YouTube ad targeting isn’t just a tool; it’s an opportunity to connect with your ideal customer in a world that’s overflowing with content. Use it wisely, use it creatively, and watch your business thrive. If you’re not sure how to get started and want to get expert help, contact us to request a free quote from us.