Since our inception, we’ve always dreamed of becoming one of the top video production companies in New York.  And with the recent reviews from Clutch and Upcity, we are so proud that our clients have given us this recognition. While many have gotten started with one corporate video production project, over the years they have expanded. Their investment in video has become a corporate video strategy.

And it’s no surprise that our clients are investing more dollars into corporate video production to fuel their corporate video strategy. Marketing video production is proven to drive almost every single marketing and sales objective. And when you are working with a top video production company in New York, the chances are that your marketing video production will be professional, polished and distributed properly.

But being a top video production company in New York means that you have to always add value. This way clients can expand their investments in marketing video production. And as such, we are always reading and thinking about corporate video production. Moreover, we evolve our efforts in building a sound corporate video strategy.

So in this post we’ like to share some blog posts on B2B video production that we think are great.

Research Says This Type of Video Closes More B2B Sales

If you’re in B2B, who wouldn’t get excited about this title! Since the majority of our projects are B2B video production, we really resonate with this post. This post gets into how buyers buy.

A major differentiation between B2B videos and B2C videos are that “B2B videos are unlikely to go viral in the standard way, but that’s not the goal. B2B videos simply need to be passed around by the right people — people who are part of the purchasing process.” Traditional paper based marketing material just does not have the shareablity, impact or ability to replay / re-watch that marketing video production has. “B2B buyers like to bounce ideas off their peers, and potential purchasing decisions are no exception….Shareable video gives peers something to look at and comment on.”

And as the title suggests, the post also gives you the “single biggest motivator” of B2B buyers for you to use corporate video production to drive sales.


 B2B Video Production


A key take-a-way from this post on marketing video production is that B2B buyers want information. Using B2B video production to inform and educate will build relationships and credibility. The post suggests “…building a relationship, educating and engaging your users instead of focusing on making a sale…it is important that your business established a sense of authority and credibility in your industry, and this will only happen through educating and sharing knowledge.”

As we wrap up, remember this: YouTube ad targeting isn’t just a tool; it’s an opportunity to connect with your ideal customer in a world that’s overflowing with content. Use it wisely, use it creatively, and watch your business thrive. If you’re not sure how to get started and want to get expert help, contact us to request a free quote from us. 

As a top video production company in New York we always suggest our clients build their corporate video strategy. This means starting with informative and educational content like video FAQs and thought leadership videos. Typically these videos are more cost effective than corporate overview videos. This allows you to get more videos from your budget and create the foundation of your corporate video strategy.

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And when you are creating a marketing video production to communicate this knowledge, it is best to “..highlight the crux of your video in the first 10 seconds.” Since I’m a hockey player, we call this “taking off the gloves”. B2B buyers don’t have lots of time, so you should give them insight into your value proposition, or some type of interesting nugget in the early on to hook them to watch.


Key take-a-way, as the sub-title suggests – “How many ways can you put video marketing to work for your brand?” This post gives many ideas and examples of how one video is not a video marketing strategy. We also show how video can be applied to many different use cases across the funnel. A few of our favorites are:

  • Product videos – Use a product video to explain your complex
  • Testimonial videos – People tend to trust a testimonial more than a traditional video, since it comes from a third party and feels more objective.
  • Corporate videos – Use your company profile video on your website’s home page, so that visitors can quickly understand your brand, your vision and how you can help them.
  • Explainer animation videos – There’s no better way to get your message across than with a visually powerful animated explainer video.
  • How to videos – Become a thought leader in your industry by creating fun and easy-to-follow instructional videos.


If your just getting started with your corporate video strategy and want some ideas on using corporate video production towards your goals, check out some of the other articles on this site or give us a call using the contact information at the top of the page.

And use the comment box below to as questions or give your input on B2B video production.

As we wrap up, remember this: YouTube ad targeting isn’t just a tool; it’s an opportunity to connect with your ideal customer in a world that’s overflowing with content. Use it wisely, use it creatively, and watch your business thrive. If you’re not sure how to get started and want to get expert help, contact us to request a free quote from us.