Why Bio Video Marketing for Lawyers Leads to Conversion
Attorney bio pages are responsible for around 80% of the traffic to a law firm’s website, according to Law.com. This makes sense as people hiring a law firm hire that firm based on their attorney of choice. And that is why law firm video production and bio video marketing were gaining more popularity to level up their firm’s strategy.
The value of the bio page, and thus bio video marketing for lawyers, lies in establishing the know, like, and trust factor (KLT factor). Just like pictures do, and why every firm spends time and money having professional headshots, and a well-written bio page, for each attorney. With every type of professional service transaction, you need to establish and build trust during the relationship-building stage. And if you can do this, you have a better chance of sealing the deal and converting that lead into a case matter. But it’s difficult for people to trust someone they don’t know. This is where video production for law firms comes in. It works as a strategic marketing tactic. By creating bio videos for attorneys, you can help facilitate relationship development with clients when they’re evaluating which firm/attorney to handle their case.
Almost all large firms have bio pages set up on their site, but many underestimate their importance, and choose to skimp on resources applied. The KLT factor is built through human connection, which is difficult to attain with simple text and images. Short of in-person bonding, the best way for your clients to get to know you is through video.
Last week the MultiVision Digital Crew assembled for another law firm video production shoot at Lowenstein Sandler’s New York office. Using a batch production method, we filmed a handful of attorney bio videos for the firm partners. Each individual bio video runs about 60-90 seconds, during which the subject introduces themselves and relates their personal information, hobbies, interests, etc.
We piloted the program with a select few attorneys who were interested in being filmed. The most outgoing of the firm. But as their coworkers saw the results, we started to get more and more requests.
5 tips to look your best in front of camera
click here to download the guideThese videos have done incredibly well for Lowenstein. When we first pitched the concept to them, their marketing department was enthusiastic, but their attorneys were hesitant. Many feared they wouldn’t do well on camera. But after the first couple of rounds, the videos were such a hit that we’ve been shooting more and more for them nonstop. Now, not only are their partners getting great web marketing through their bio pages, but they’re also learning to be more comfortable on camera, which will provide exponential benefits as more and more law firms adopt video in their digital marketing strategies.
But bio video marketing strategy is not just a great idea for law firms, many companies could stand to benefit from such a series. The most important part of the sales process is trust. It doesn’t matter what your product or service is; if you can get a client to trust you, the deal is sealed. But it’s difficult for people to trust someone they don’t know. Bio videos allow your team to put faces to the brand, and facilitate passive relationship development with clients remotely.
Bio Video Marketing Process: Law Firm Video Production

So how does doing law firm video production work? Easy. It starts with a pre-production process which involves preparing the messaging and attorneys on all of the small but important details involved in performing in front of the camera.
We want our clients to feel comfortable on camera, so we make sure we go over everything clearly and comprehensively before the actual shoot. That way, on the shoot day attorneys’ minds will be at ease knowing that everything has been taken care of, and all that’s left to do is the easy part. On the day of the shoot, we come to your office early in the morning, set up a nice frame with good lighting, and send in a steady stream of your partners to stop by the set and film for about 20 minutes each. Since the videos are part of a consistent series, we don’t have to pick a new frame for each one.
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After each interview recording session, the subject takes us to their office to record some b roll footage to be played over their bio video interview. Once we get that, we return to the set to film the next one. Over the day, we fit in as many as we can. Depending on the preparedness of the subjects, we can get up to around 10-15 bio videos done in a full day of shooting!
After shooting, we return to our offices to hand over all of the footage to our talented team of editors. First, we organize the messaging of the video into a concise and presentable representation of the subject. After confirming that the bio video says what you want it to say, we will fully polish it up by adding color correction, music, and graphics. This will be presented to you for your approval.
Following the correction of any notes on style and design, we will take a look at that one video and batch-produce the rest in the exact same manner, like clockwork. And once we have the style done, we can come back in and shoot more for you anytime you need, and produce them in the same way for this bio video marketing.

Once these videos are published, clients will likely be more collegial with your team, as the information provided sets the foundation for a relationship beyond a mere business interaction. This will set you up for long-lasting success, as well as fruitful social and business relationships.
If you’re looking to produce your series of videos for your bio video marketing, contact us today or give us a call at (646) 319-8609.
Want to know how much a video costs?
click here to download the guideAs we wrap up, remember this: YouTube ad targeting isn’t just a tool; it’s an opportunity to connect with your ideal customer in a world that’s overflowing with content. Use it wisely, use it creatively, and watch your business thrive. If you’re not sure how to get started and want to get expert help, contact us to request a free quote from us.