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Buyers’ love for business video content marketing is increasing everyday because video gives buyers what they need – the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time.  B2B marketers and research reports prove over and over again how effective video is. In a June 2014 Aberdeen Research* report titled “Analyzing the ROI of Video Marketing*”, Aberdeen listed how powerful business video content marketing is to core marketing objectives. Two of the stats revealed

  • Websites with business video content marketing need 37% less site visitors to reach the same marketing objective
  • Websites with digital video content convert new business opportunities at 2x the rate of sites that don’t

This is pretty powerful information for B2B marketers. It’s also powerful for business owners that want to drive more leads and action in the sales funnel. Regardless of the industry your business is in, or the size of your company, every business can benefit from the the information that corporate video communications can give to buyers.

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The Power of Business Video Content

Giving busy decision makers the option to watch corporate video communications will build business value at every stage of the buying cycle. Furthermore, corporate video communications give people engaging content so they can quickly understand your products & services and the people who make your company great.  So, the alternative is forcing these busy decision makers to figure things out themselves. They would have to become informed by reading PDF files, pages on your website and other marketing materials.

Even though companies may get started with just one (1) corporate video production, they need to plan for many types and styles of business video communications that fit into their entire sales and marketing mix…A.K.A. the buyers journey.  Still, planning a video content marketing strategy that creates different business video content for different parts of the sales and marketing funnel will better respond to buyers needs for information.

Watch the video below for how to make the best use out of a budget. Allow yourself to build a solid business video content strategy.

Here are a few types of corporate video production projects for buyers to get to know your company:

  • Corporate overview video production that showcases your organization and your location
  • Video FAQs that answer common buyer questions
  • Online product videos – for each product
  • Videos that explain how you deliver your professional services
  • Customer case study videos that showcase the problem, solution, and benefit– just like you do on paper
  • Online videos testimonials of your customers
  • Video bios of your team, in addition to pictures, so buyers can get to know them better
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Develop Your Business Video Content Strategy

So if you are serious about driving action across the funnel and getting ahead of your competition, look at an online video content marketing strategy and how to produce many videos instead of “just one video.”  Furthermore, we’ve proven that a sound video content marketing strategy keeps people on your site longer. It also drives action across every point of the sales funnel and improves your search engine rankings. It even increases open and click thru rates of email campaigns!

A sound video content marketing strategy dictates that business video production is not a one-shot investment. Creating a steady flow of online video marketing content every four to six months should give companies a competitive edge. It also allows companies to respond to people’s wants for quick and easy information.  The sooner you get started, the sooner you will reap the competitive benefits of this highly effective online tool.

See you in front of the camera!

*The Aberdeen Research report can be found at

See you in front of the camera!

As we wrap up, remember this: YouTube ad targeting isn’t just a tool; it’s an opportunity to connect with your ideal customer in a world that’s overflowing with content. Use it wisely, use it creatively, and watch your business thrive. If you’re not sure how to get started and want to get expert help, contact us to request a free quote from us.