One of our ongoing clients, Commercial Observer, a commercial real estate publication in New York City, realized the value of real estate video production content and video content marketing services to showcase real estate in NYC.  We do real estate video content marketing service for Commercial Observer about twice a month, often interviewing top executives in the real estate market, covering thought leadership events in real estate, and doing real estate video marketing projects like this one. 

This real estate video marketing project was for a series called “Backstage Pass” for Commercial Observer.  In this series, we go behind the scenes with some of New York City’s best flexible office and workspace providers and interview top members of their teams about what makes their service offering different

Identifying the Message

When producing video, there is always the question of how we get the desired message across to viewers.  This comes down to a solid pre-production approach and is one of the most overlooked parts of video content marketing services.  Most of the content we produced for Commercial Observer in the past (and continue to produce) were editorial content. 

These are conversations between two people, or panels of top real estate executives. In essence, it was just filming simple conversations, adding appropriate edits, and making sure the branding was on point for each video. With the Backstage Pass video series, we saw a new opportunity to add a creative flair to real estate video production

Breather, a flexible workspace provider, is able to deliver spaces to clients within just a few days’ notice. Breather has locations in major cities across the globe and we had the pleasure of visiting one of their New York City workspaces to film in. Their primary objectives were to convey key value propositions that set them apart from other workspace providers. Three fundamental topics they address in the video are their security, technology, and efficiency in operating services they provide to their clients.

Flexible Workspace by Breather – NYC Real Estate Video Content Marketing Services

Getting Creative with NYC Real Estate Video Production

Our tactic for making the new video series engaging was to first do what we do best:

  • identify the key sales points,
  • drill down on each of these and
  • find the right people at the organization to interview about the business

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Once we have this in place, we did a walk-thru of each space to plan equipment and prepare our video production professionals.  Then we have a plan for interviews and for capturing plenty of b-roll to make the video informative and interesting to the client’s target audience. 

In this New York City real estate video, you’ll notice many smooth, stylized shots of people interacting within Breather’s flexible workspace. Our team of professional videographers used a combination of smooth tripod camera movements and gimbal operation to produce these visuals. Incorporating the b-roll made the final edit more entertaining and engaging in addition to conveying Breather’s message quickly and effectively.            

Real Estate Video Content Marketing Service
Video Marketing for Real Estate in New York City

The end result of this real estate video marketing content was two happy clients. Both Breather and Commercial Observer thought the video was great and we successfully established a reliable, cost-effective video template for the future of their Backstage Pass video series. So, this real estate video marketing project for Breather should serve as a good reminder of the value of real estate video production.

If you work in the real estate industry or are a real estate company in New York City, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation about how video marketing for real estate can help you in highlighting your workspace, office, people, and properties. Moreover, if you provide a unique service in the New York City real estate market, we can help you convey your key value propositions using our video content marketing services.

As we wrap up, remember this: YouTube ad targeting isn’t just a tool; it’s an opportunity to connect with your ideal customer in a world that’s overflowing with content. Use it wisely, use it creatively, and watch your business thrive. If you’re not sure how to get started and want to get expert help, contact us to request a free quote from us.