Teams of talented people build the strongest and most successful companies, that’s why you must highlight them in your recruitment videos.

Ask any boss or business owner and they will tell you that their people is their main competitive differentiator.  And buyers will tell you that it comes down to the people. They drive trust, relationships, and confidence toward purchase decisions. 

Business owners and managers will also tell you that the most challenging part of building their business is finding talented people. Because finding good talent can be hard work for companies, smart companies are turning to website recruitment videos and to have that, one must collaborate or avail of professional video production services.

HR teams begin the process by marketing to their target market. They drive awareness thru job posting sites, social media marketing and recruiting firms. Once a candidate gets interested they make their way over to the business’ website. This is where the smart companies are finding that their website recruitment videos take over. They give the prospective employee a wealth of information about the people, culture and work life.

Metropolitan cities such as New York are competitive places both for employers and employees. While great positions at prestigious companies are highly sought after, quality people are also in high demand.  Many firms in New York and New Jersey, for example, think that hiring a New York professional video production services company is not a worthwhile expense.  But considering how expensive it can be to find or replace talented employees, investing in a professional website recruitment video may be a worthwhile investment.

Typically it costs between 30% to 50% of annual salaries for entry-level employees. Moreover, it’s up to 150% for mid-level and executive staff hires. And it’s up to 400% for high-level or highly specialized employees. The Institute of Labor and Employment at the University of California stated that the cost of replacing a white collar employee in the US is estimated at an average of $4,000. While the cost of replacing managerial and professional employees can go from $7,000 to $150,000.*

One of the most effective, yet underutilized, methods of getting prospective candidates interested and excited about working for your firm, and keeping them excited during the recruitment process, is with a website recruitment video done by a professional video production services company.  In fact, your next hire might even expect that you have a website recruitment video. You might turn off potential hires if you don’t have one.

We have all become accustomed to watching all kinds of corporate website video communications and this is a growing trend.  And with website recruiting videos firms will have an unprecedented ability to reach out to prospective employees.

Here are three types of website recruitment videos that you can discuss with you professional video production services company. They then can be used as corporate recruiting videos on YouTube and website recruiting videos:

Professional Video Production Services: Employee Point of View Videos

There is no better way to attract talented people than by letting your present employees tell them what a great place your company is. The professional website recruiting video below is a good example. An employee from Argyle Executive Forum says, “One thing I’m most excited about on my way to work everyday…” This gives potential employees a deeper sense for the culture of the company. The video also showcases that their office is a place where productivity, personal growth and fun, all go hand in hand.

Professional website recruitment video production services can provide a competitive advantage

Job Description Videos

Don’t draft a long, exhaustive piece of text detailing what qualifications a job requires. Instead, record a quick video doing the same. A job description video also adds a personal touch to the recruitment process. It also gives your company a human face that people can relate to. It’s an opportunity to talk about what your expectations are beyond qualifications and certificates. Allow yourself to tell prospective hires what they can expect when they join the company.

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About Us Videos

All websites carry an About Us section with details about the company, its history, culture, aims and vision. But let’s face it, there is a lot more that you can do with a digital video production beyond just a corporate video on YouTube! Besides telling people what inspires your company, you can show off your office culture, its location, strengths, perks, office space, etc.

This not only gives the viewer a better insight into your company’s workings, but it also allows them to understand what they can expect if they joined.  Combined with social media marketing and integrated into your video in recruiting websites, a well-designed video recruitment campaign can help you attract more qualified candidates at a fraction of the cost than traditional channels demand.

Has your company used the power of digital video production for their recruitment by doing a video in house or using a professional video production services company? Tell us what your experiences have been in the comments below.

And if you are located in New York City or in New Jersey and looking to hire a New York professional video production services company to attract great talent to your company, call us today at 646.319.8609.

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