Just like in the cutthroat world of recruiting top talent in New York City, public high school admissions must also take every advantage to communicate the benefits of their school to prospective students. Schools themselves are under constant stress to market their institution to each future class of New York City students to get the best pool of applicants possible. That’s why video production in NYC is not just a tool for companies. Many NYC Public schools rely on video production in NYC for recruiting top students. 

This, our 3rd project for DeWitt Clinton High School (in the past we’ve provided general recruiting videos for) that focused on their computer science department.

Their computer science program is part of the NYC DOE “Future Ready” program – where students gain theoretical and practical coding knowledge in order to learn the skills they need for a successful career in computer science. The learning is project-based, with projects designed by teachers with experience in the private sector, who know precisely what sort of work is required to succeed as a computer scientist. These skills are then bolstered and solidified through real-world application, via internships acquired through CodeNation, a company that facilitates relationships between high schools and tech startups in order to teach kids how to code. 

As we wrap up, remember this: YouTube ad targeting isn’t just a tool; it’s an opportunity to connect with your ideal customer in a world that’s overflowing with content. Use it wisely, use it creatively, and watch your business thrive. If you’re not sure how to get started and want to get expert help, contact us to request a free quote from us.

And the system works. Earlier this year, their students were able to win both first and second place in a Google hackathon.

Such a successful program has the opportunity to be a real feather in DeWitt Clinton’s hat, bolstering admissions and reputation. But when the target audience is young teenagers, it’s important to know how to properly market and appeal to them, otherwise there’s no point. By utilizing video production in NYC to make fast-paced, efficient video content, DeWitt Clinton was able to convey their intended message in a clear and effective manner.  The video deftly fits all of the critical information a prospective student needs to know in a tight timespan that doesn’t press their patience. We also knew that telling students about the program alone would not be enough, future students need to see the results and hear about them from someone they can trust….current students.


Structure the Recruiting Video

First, we interviewed the staff, including teachers, counselors, and the principal, Pierre Orbé, to structure the recruiting video.  This gave the video for recruiting a solid structure in explaining different aspects of the computer science program.

This worked as the skeleton of the video. Each section–done with pre-production planning–was then filled in with the relevant stories of work and success, as well as glowing reviews from the students, who had nothing but praise for their school and teachers.

One of the main reasons for making a video for recruiting is for prospective applicants to find someone they can relate to, and witness how that person has fared in their environment. Students need to see other students–like themselves–thriving, to know that they can succeed in the same way. So the recruiting video for DeWitt, which includes students effusing about their studies, is exactly what both applicants and applicants’ parents are looking for. 

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But even though the students had nothing but love for the program, they are still teenagers. Which means that they often haven’t fully developed their communication abilities.

That’s why we have a comprehensive pre-production process, which includes important prep work focusing on the messaging of the recruiting video and the preparation of the talent. We coach well in advance to ensure that we get the best performance from each subject. 

The final step in this recruiting video process was filming b roll footage of the students in their natural environment, learning how to code, and documenting their projects. Seeing just how happy these high schoolers were to be studying made it clear to us just how great of a program this was, and we sought to capture that as well so that all could see.

recruiting video production

If you have some sort of program that you’re looking to promote, contact our award-winning video production company now, or give us a call at (646) 319-8609.

As we wrap up, remember this: YouTube ad targeting isn’t just a tool; it’s an opportunity to connect with your ideal customer in a world that’s overflowing with content. Use it wisely, use it creatively, and watch your business thrive. If you’re not sure how to get started and want to get expert help, contact us to request a free quote from us.