Video services companies know that online behavior is changing and that more people than ever are drawn to attorney video marketing.  It makes sense why most people are…especially at early stages of the sales / information gathering process.  Online video content is easier to consume and share than reading, and gives the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time.  Which explains why attorney video marketing for law firms to appeals to busy business people.  Attorney video marketing for law firms is so amazing because it allows partners to be who they are in front of prospects and clients, sharing the skill sets they bring to the table.

Recently the Small Firm & MarTech SIGs of the Legal Marketing Association of New York hosted a webinar titled Demystifying Video in a Remote Marketing World that focused on video for law firms.  The webinar responded to many questions around video for law firms and revealed strategies for firms that are just getting started and for firms that are ramping their legal video marketing assets. 

MultiVision Digital, a New York City video production company, was proud to have been a part of this webinar.  Below are some of the highlights from the webinar led by guest speaker Robert Weiss, President of a New York City video services company.  

Why Video for Law Firms is an Effective Digital Marketing Tactic

Video has proven itself to be an effective digital marketing method that can showcase an attorney’s skill sets, insight, expertise, and personality.  When it comes to professional services marketing, the partners, associates and consultants are the “products”.  What other digital marketing method can showcase a partner’s personality, presence and insights?  

Attorney video marketing provides the best way to showcase these intangibles while presenting their skills and experience.  

So whether you create video on your own, or use one of the many video services companies out there, your attorney video marketing content will engage your next client by showing the attorney’s personality, insights and prospective – as clients enter and move through the buying cycle.  The mixture of do-it-yourself versus professional video is a unique way to stretch your firm’s marketing dollar. 

And once you have attorney video marketing content, it can be published and repurposed for different outlets.  Video services companies know that business video marketing can be used across many different digital marketing channels over your firm’s entire digital footprint like blogs, industry pages, bio, client alerts and news pages.  Another thing that video services companies know is that evergreen content lasts for a long time, so investing today means a return for many years to come.  

Attorney Video Marketing with Remote Video Production

Even in a remote work environment, there are ways to create cost effective attorney video marketing content with Remote Video Production – a software application downloaded by the partners on their mobile devices, giving the video services company control over their phone from software on the web. 

When the partner logs in to the application, the video services company can coach and direct to keep them on topic and perform their best.  With remote video production, the video services company can shoot up to 4K video that results in professional video content that conveys your partners’ and firm’s skill and knowledge.

Remote video recording does not take away from professional services of a video services company, as there is still planning on messaging, directing and editing. It allows for partners that are working from home to create video production from anywhere. 

How Often Should Video for Law Firms be produced?

Regardless if you are doing video in-house or with a video services company, video for law firms is not a one shot deal.  Just like other marketing tactics, firms should produce videos many times throughout the year.  Since a quality online video content will last up to five years, once you understand the process of how to shoot a video you will get better at production.  And then you can have a mix of content done by a video services company and user-generated do-it-yourself content.

Compared to webinars and podcasts, which fit alongside video in different parts of the buying cycle, video is distinctive because it is more discoverable than webinars.   Videos are short form content that can be included in a blog post, email marketing initiatives, or social media to become more discoverable and easier to watch and share.

Some partners find it daunting to be in front of a camera.  So one of the challenges firms sometimes have is finding partners to shoot.  You may want to start with those partners that are excited about making a video and want to try something new. Find these people, build a use case, and you will soon find more willing partners. 

NOTE: A professional video services company will help coach your partners to make sure they look and sound their best on camera and bring your partner’s personality to life.  This is why it is best not to script your online video content. Your partners know what they are talking about, so all they need is an outline of what they want to say and have them speak to the camera as they speak to a client.

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How Much is a Video Services Companies?

There are many ways to create video and the investment varies depending on the quality the firm is looking for and how many videos you need.  Budget variables can include locations, cameras and equipment, time and production editing.  INCLUDE IMAGE Every firm will have a different level of quality they are expecting. 

It is best to come up with a budget that is acceptable to your firm and challenge the video production company to come up with the best value for your budget within the variables.  While the distribution of resources and production processes may differ, you should always come out with quality online video content for your firm.

Over and above the cameras and equipment, a video services company provides professional services – from pre production to direction to post production editing – to ensure partners look and sound great. They offer coaching from a directorial standpoint, and help people feel natural in front of the camera, all with a sense of fun and high regard for your law firm’s marketing success.

What Kind of Online Video Content can a Law Firm Produce


The aim for law firms is to have quality video content that emulates your offices, partner skill sets and other marketing material.  Online video content is extremely versatile and can be repurposed over and over according to your marketing needs and budget so now is the time to jump ahead of your competitors and adopt video content as a long term strategy.  Here are a few kinds of videos that law firms can produce – 

  • Thought Leadership / subject matter expertise
  • Client Testimonials / case studies
  • State of the firm
  • Bring industry report data to life with animated infographic videos
  • Practice area overviews
  • Internal communications
  • Crisis communications – control the narrative
  • Bio videos

Video for law firms can be created for almost every type of digital business communication that a law firm has to increase client engagement, generate new business and increase awareness.

Have any questions about video marketing?  Leverage the skill sets of a video services company that has produced over 900 business videos, by asking us any questions you have on video for law firms and business video marketing. 

Check out the webinar here → 

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As we wrap up, remember this: YouTube ad targeting isn’t just a tool; it’s an opportunity to connect with your ideal customer in a world that’s overflowing with content. Use it wisely, use it creatively, and watch your business thrive. If you’re not sure how to get started and want to get expert help, contact us to request a free quote from us.